Carlisle School Association (PTA)

We are fortunate at Carlisle to have a Parent-Teacher Association (PTA) that is and has been an integral part of our school community for many years. In its time, the Carlisle School Association (CSA) has raised tens of thousands of pounds, which has been spent on equipment and resources to enhance our children's educational experience and the school's facilities.

The CSA exists to provide closer links between home and school and it is an excellent way to bring staff, parents, carers and friends together socially in support of the school, working towards a common goal. The CSA is also committed to fundraising for a range of charities. Some of the events that are held raise money for not only the school, but local and national charities.

All families are automatically members of the Carlisle School Association when their child joins the school. Parents/carers and members of the school community are encouraged to get involved in any way they can, even if they only have a small amount of time available.

The CSA is extremely conscious of the ethos and diversity of our school, and we try very hard when organising and planning events to respect this. Not all of our events are run as fundraisers, we also plan events and activities to enrich school life where we aim to provide an inclusive environment.

The CSA is run by a committee elected at the Annual General Meeting held in the summer term (although parents/carers are welcome to get involved at any time of the year). Regular events in the school calendar include a Fireworks Evening, Quiz Night, Dig Days, and the Summer Fair. Each year staff, parents, carers and children put forward their 'wish list' for items or activities they would like funded by the CSA.

In recent years the CSA has funded an outdoor classroom, artificial grass areas, IT equipment, school trips, a new reading scheme, supplies for arts and much more. These extras that are not funded by the school budget contribute to making the children's learning experiences more exciting and fulfilling.

The school's newsletters contain regular updates on the activities the CSA is planning and meeting dates. Parents/carers are encouraged to review the newsletter to keep in touch with all that is going on. The CSA Website is also available for you to check for updates at any time. Additional information is also circulated via WhatsApp by Class Representatives.

As well as the elected committee, the CSA operates a system of Class Representatives. Each class has a Class Rep who acts as a link between the parents/carers of each class, the CSA Committee, the Class Teacher and the school. The Class Reps may pass on information, gather parents/carers views and generally help to maintain channels of communication. The goal is to have a representative for each class (at least one, however the role can easily be shared between several people) in place early in the school year so that we can share information and any class specific activities right from the start of the autumn term. For more information on the role of the Class Representative see below.

To get in touch please email

Many thanks,

Louise Bloom, CSA Chair

The Role of the Class Representative