Writing at Carlisle Infant School

At Carlisle, writing is taught in a structured, progressive approach where we teach key skills of writing through quality texts. The quality texts that we choose engage the children through a range of fiction, non- fiction and poetry. Each term, we ensure that the children are also exposed to stories from other cultures and traditional tales to inform their writing. Throughout the process of writing, we encourage the children to talk and discuss the language used in quality texts to develop their vocabulary acquisition. We embed the understanding of this language through drama, as well as practising using these new key words within sentences.

There is a sequenced structure for the teaching and learning of word classes so that when our children leave KS1, they will have a secure understanding of different word types and their impact on a sentence. The children will be exposed to: nouns, proper nouns, adjectives, verbs, adverbs and conjunctions. It is crucial that children can identify and understand word classes to ensure that they know how to form a sentence and ensure it makes sense. We explore this in a variety of ways, for example, sentence play.
Our aims for each child at the end of their journey at Carlisle:
To have a love of writing
To be able to imitate familiar authors
To be an independent writer
To have developed strategies to spell unfamiliar words
To be able to identify word classes within a sentence
To be able to proof read their own writing
Little Wandle Letter Formation