Intent Statement
In our Music curriculum at HHJS our intent is to develop a love of music in children, encompassing an understanding and exploration of these skills; pitch, rhythm, pulse, texture, dynamics, tempo, timbre, structure. We also look to develop an understanding of the history and composers of Western Classical Music and its connection to World Music. Through a variety of songs, games, composition, performance, listening and instrumental work we hope to develop the essential Musicianship Skills which the children can take forward into their secondary school and beyond. It is our intention that all children will be able to play, listen and compose, have an understanding of the history of music, confident use and understanding of Musicianship Skills, and most will be confident to notate music on the stave.
Key Stage Knowledge Grid - Music

Music Lessons
We offer a variety of music lessons at HHJS including cello, piano, violin, viola, flute, clarinet, trumpet and drums. The teachers are listed below:
Caroline Salata (cello & piano)
Anna Ritchie (Violin)
Fiona Sweeney (Flute)
Judy Morrison (Clarinet)
Samuel Draper (Piano​)
Miles Macguire (Brass)
Davide Marini (Drumming)
For the full terms and conditions and application form please click on the link below
Instrumental Lesson Application
For ideas of how to support your child with music practise at home, please click here
If your child is interetsted in Guitar Tuition please click on the link below for Richmond Music Trust who run our guitar sessions
Richmond Music Trust Guitar Lessons