School Meals

School Meals / Packed Lunches

Children have the choice of eating a school meal, provided by the local authority’s catering company Caterlink, or, bringing a packed lunch. For the academic year 2023-24 all children are able to access free school meals as part of a scheme initiated by the Mayor of London. Please contact the school office if you require more information.

To view Caterlink's Autumn 2023 Menu, please click here

  • Meals have to be ordered at least a week in advance and therefore we are unable to facilitate alternating between the two.
  • If your child wishes to change from one lunch type to another, this can only be done with half a term's notice. Failure to give the correct notice of change, from school meals to packed lunch, may incur charges for the meals that have already been ordered for your child as the school is unable to carry these costs.
  • If you require a cooked lunch for your child, please inform the school office – forms are available.
  • For those children eating school lunches, payment may be made weekly or half-termly in advance.  Payment should be made on the first day of each week or half term via the online payment portal. N.B. Payment for school meals must be made in advance and accounts kept up to date. Where a school meal account accrues debt school meals will not be provided and parents will be required to provide a packed lunch until the debt has been cleared in full.
  • If you think you may have a Free School Meal Entitlement, please ensure that you send a completed application to your Local Authority; it is important for the school that you claim your entitlement and keep it current, whether, or not, your child chooses to eat a school meal or bring a packed lunch.  Forms for London Borough of Richmond residents are available from the school office.
  • If your child has any special dietary requirements, restrictions, or medically diagnosed allergies then Caterlink, the borough’s school meals catering company, will require parents to complete and return a separate form before providing your child with school meals.
  • Children may bring a packed lunch in a suitable lunch box.  No sweets or chocolate please.  Drinks can be brought in cartons or a plastic flask/bottle.  No glass bottles or cans are allowed.  We ask that parents provide a healthy packed lunch.  There are several websites giving suggestions for children’s healthy lunch boxes e.g.