Our school SENCO is Tracey Bannister and our SEND Governor is Ros Morgan
Please see below our SEND Information Report which tells you about our approach to supporting children with special educational needs or disabilities.
SEN Infomation Report 2023
Inclusion Charter
Kingston & Richmond Local Offer Website
Garrick Garden - Specialist Resource Provision
Garrick Garden is our ‘Specialist Resource Provision'. It is designed to meet the additional needs of up to 6 children with Social, Emotional and Mental Health (SEMH) difficulties who, without such provision, would be unable to access a mainstream curriculum.
Children within this provision may have an additional diagnosis of ADHD, sensory processing difficulties or attachment disorder and may also have mild to moderate learning needs.
Garrick Garden is fully integrated into the whole school and all children attending the provision are allocated a mainstream class, into which they integrate as much as possible. All of the children attending the provision will have an EHCP in place. For more information see the detailed policy below or contact the SRP Lead, Sarah Parker, to arrange a visit.
Garrick Garden Specialist Resource Provision Aims & Objectives
Garrick Garden Restraint and Restrictive Intervention Guidance June 2023